Travel Books

Books & EbooksDestination Guidebooks

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10 Years A Nomad Book Graphic

The book is a memoir about my ten years traveling and backpacking the world, philosophy on travel, and the lessons I learned that can help you travel better. It takes you on a trip around the world from start to finish: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friends, what happens when you come back — and the lessons and advice that come with all that. It is my opus on travel.

10 Years a Nomad by Matthew Kepnes

Ten Years a Nomad: A Traveler’s Journey Home

The book is a memoir of my ten years traveling and backpacking the world and the lessons I learned from that. It follows the arc of a trip around the globe: getting the bug, the planning, setting off, the highs, the lows, the friendships made, the relationships forged (and lost), the emotions you feel when it’s all over.

Unlike my previous books, this is not a “how to guide” but a collection of insights, advice, and stories from the road, conveying the experience of what it’s like to quit your job, follow the road not taken, and travel the world trying to discover who you are and what the world has to offer. In short, it is my opus on travel meant, to inspire you to pursue your own dreams.

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How Get Free Flights and Hotels Using Points and Miles

Take money out of the equation by learning how to master loyalty programs. These programs allow you to to earn free airfare and accommodation without spending lots of money.

I’ve been collecting points and miles for over a decade and it is the linchpin of all my money-saving advice. It helps me save tens of thousands of dollars on flights, accommodation, and transportation every year.

Points and miles are the solution to the money problem of travel — and I’m going to show you how to do what I do.

the ultimate guide to travel hacking
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My Budget Guidebooks